About Us

THE RINK – A place to see why fashion emerges, what it has to make to make it into the world of fashion and why it will stay. Read it, ponder upon it and you will see the difference in your reflection in a few days! While you are reading it, glance through our splendid Beauty Page! There is now a new section, News/Lifestyle

Hi guys! We are two bloggers here!

I am Lakshmi Ramesh (L.R.) and I am the fashion blogger.

10 Quick facts About me:

  1. Born two years before the Earth hit 2000 A.D.
  2. I am from India.
  3. Loyal to tea… I can never be a coffee person! Never have, never will!
  4. Dogs are the best ~
  5. Born a cusp – Sagittarius + Capricorn
  6. Touching 5′ 8″ is my dream but God and my genes decided that 5′ 4″ is good enough for me.
  7. I believe in doing a bunch of last minute things.
  8. I ❤ F.R.I.E.N.D.S!
  9. Geography is probably my least favourite subject… Ugh..
  10. Dreaming and sleeping – love them equally!

I am Surabi Chandira (S.C.) and I am the Beauty Blogger.

10 Quick facts about me:

  1. Lived through 2 Millenniums
  2. Aspiring Globetrotter
  3. Polyglot
  4. I like living in Books
  5. I believe in planning but do things last minute anyway
  6. Hardcore foodie
  7. Sherlock and Suits Fan
  8. Die-Hard Potterhead
  9. Love clothes and makeup shopping more than I should
  10. Political puns make me laugh the most.

This is going to be an interesting journey! We welcome you to THE RINK!

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